How to: Request a Status

How do I track my order?

You can request a status update from your account using the following steps:

  1. Find the applicant's name on the account dashboard (These can be found under the In Progress Folder)
  2. Click on the search on which you would like a status
  3. Select “Status Request” and enter your note for an ETA

You can also email our client care department at for an update. 

What is a 'clerk-assisted search' and why do they take so long?

Your search could be taking longer than normal if the county being searched requires court clerk assistance. Clerk-assisted searches are needed when we are unable to access a public access terminal for a county courthouse. We must then rely on court clerks to provide us with results, which can cause delays and extend our ETA's. 

Which county searches typically require court clerk assistance?

The most common locations that require court clerk assistance are Tennessee, Mississippi, California, South Carolina, West Virginia, Massachusetts, Arizona, Georgia, Kentucky, and Nevada counties. However, any county search that returns inconclusive results may require us to seek clerk assistance for more information. 

Why was my order not ready by the ETA?

Please keep in mind that an ETA is only an estimate. There are several factors that can delay the completion of a report, depending on the type of search that is pending. A longer turn-around-time does not necessarily mean that your applicant has a criminal record. We pride ourselves on going the extra mile to provide you results that are as accurate and as complete as possible.

Can counties that were automatically added to my report be removed?

Though it is at your discretion to remove or cancel any search from a report, GHRR does not recommend removing locations that populate from the Social Security Report, as you run the risk of missing criminal records that may exist for your applicant.