Quick Guide: Uploading Documents When Ordering a Report

Uploading documents to a report is easy! Follow these simple steps. Click Order Report.

  1. Enter the applicant’s information and click Upload Document(s) for this Applicant

  2. **Ensure pop-up blockers are set to OFF. A second box will come up prompting you to enter information and Browse for the file.
    1. Enter Title
    2. Enter Info (not required)
    3. Browse for the File
    4. Select Save Document

  3. The form will then show up at the bottom under “Current Documents”. ESS researchers will be able to view any documents uploaded here

  4. Follow all prompts to place the order.

    **For Georgia State searches, a consent form is always required. An automated note shows up on any background checks with Georgia. If the consent form is already uploaded you may disregard***